Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Seal of Blood, again and again and again

CM's are an interesting lot. They're supposed to relay concerns, but don't tell you much about how they went about wording them.

A good example is seal of blood. This seal is balanced against command down to a few percents of damage, IF the users do not have any haste or extra attack abilities. Thus it is a "flavor" seal much like SoV(which typically does less than SoR unless used in unreliable conjunction). Now when a CM wrote regarding "Any plans to give seal of blood to alliance," he stated "None so far, not a concern." Did he present the overwhelming evidence of a 10-20% TOTAL dps difference between the seals at high levels of gear? I highly doubt it.

Devs of course are not entirely retarded, but its unlikely they remember how the mechanics of SoC were originally coded with regards to how the damage is applied. It doesnt work on instants and it was recently nerfed along with rogue ppm abilities to not scale with haste. I highly doubt any CM actually went to the trouble of laying down the REASONS that alliance want seal of blood, rather than presenting it as some sort of factional I WANT THIS whine. The math is there and it clearly shows that SoC is at a large disadvantage in fights where there is haste or windfury. Good thing death knight is coming soon.

1 comment:

zecanard said...

"Good thing death knight is coming soon."

Almost as good as, "I'm canceling my account wahhh" except you're still paying them.