Monday, June 2, 2008

Situational awareness & watered down lemonade

Its surprising how many paladin tanks(and tanks in general) lack this basic ability. If a monster runs by you and spirits of redemption start appearing everywhere, can you really blame healers for your subsequent death? Too often this is what happens. Some tanks dont even have raid frames and complain about not getting healed when only five raid members are alive. This is just plain unacceptable. At the very least raid frames should be open to track debuffs and aggro gains on raid members.

In a recent trip to help out a black temple run, the paladin tank died shortly after 3 priests died to whirlwind from a loose add that ran straight past consecrate and was not picked up. The pull consisted of five monsters. I was boggling at this epic failure, as you don't even have to be looking behind you to see a mob sail clear past you into the healer crowd. Shortly after 3 healers die, the paladin tank in question says "wow i didn't take too much damage, this wipe as a healer problem." This is a common fallacy among most raid wipes.

How he should have approached the pull : SoR, AS to hit 3, JoR/Reseal on the fourth, and melee attacks on the fifth. Doing this ensures you have threat on each one. Too often paladin tanks focus all their abilities on the primary damage target when taunt can actually provide a threat increase and misdirects are availible.

Another failure I had the displeasure of witnessing was a paladin tank that did not know how to tank adds for Dragonhawk. He simply could not deal with having to tab to different monsters. All he understood was spamming consecrate and seal/judging. Not even a holy shield inbetween. Such a lack of complicating mechanics leads very terrible players to rise to higher levels of instance progression by virtue of their class, but actual player skill is incredibly low.

Just because paladins are easymode tanks doesnt mean you can faceroll your way through trash. One loose add can easily destroy your healers. Ranged taunt and JoR's 10 yard range provide more than enough reaction time to pick up loose adds. Its really sad to see the extent of player failure when playing such a watered down version of a role.

Retribution has this problem as well. Tunnel visioned retardins are extremely prevalent. Ret paladins do not have to manage that many globals, and have bof/bop+cleanse to support their group in pvp or instancing. Repent and HoJ are useful for the primary target as well as secondary targets as a temporary CC to alleviate healers with aggro, or for keeping enemy healers out of the fight. Another good example is paladins who mash a castsequence to CS/Judge/Reseal/(Consecrate). This leads to lost DPS if you mash it and judge in a global(making you unable to reseal) and melee swing in that time.

So to all paladin players - Please, please, take your job seriously even if it is easymode. Your failures only contribute to lolret lolprot (and lolholy but thats somewhat rare). The more you suck the less people will accept the class in non holy roles.

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