Thursday, May 1, 2008


This is probably the most annoying mechanic about paladin tanking. Low end paladin tanks have awful mitigation(55-58%) while druids can easily approach 70% from armor. This is in addition to paladins having to gem avoidance or gear for shield block rating to reach uncrushability. Even with nearly full badge/ZA gear my tank is still edging on crushability. If I decided to use an arena shield I would fall into crushability. Should this really even occur? I have SBR on my shoulders,ring,and gloves, and shield. I should not have to sacrifice so many itemization points just to become uncrushable. I already hybridize my gemming to obtain socket bonuses while including avoidance, but I'd much rather just be gemming stamina. Not only are Stars of Elune dirt cheap right now, they're the most effective gems when your healers are competent/geared.

Redoubt should really add 5% passive block, even 10% would not be overpowered. Paladin gearing is far too complicated for being a watered down warrior tank. If we are to be "specialized" as AoE tanks but "capable" of raid tanking, then additional passive block does not seem out of the question. Being presented with a clear upgrade but being unable to use it because of becoming crushable is absolutely ridiculous. A gem option to add SBR would be fine too, but would just be smothering the problem instead of fixing it.

Some people argue that crushing blows are not the end of the world and that uncrushability doesn't matter until post/late kara. While this can be true, crushing blows still :
1)Increase the overall damage you take, costing extra healer mana.
2)Drastically improve monster capacity to RNG gib you. Back to back crushings can drop you faster than progression geared healers can heal you for.

Tank gearing is about smoothing incoming damage and being able to sustain as much damage as you can before dying. Dodge, parry, block, and miss change serve to reduce mana consumption by healers.

As a paladin, you have the lowest baseline mitigation (6%) against physical damage, which comprises most of the damage a tank expects to take. You also have poor hitpoints until your gear starts to reach T5-ish level. These two factors make crushes extremely dangerous for paladins, moreso than even druids that cannot avoid crushings.


zecanard said...

You're godly at AoE tanking heroics and Karazhan so I really don't see wtf you think you're entitled to whining about in that department. Warriors are at the bottom of the tanking food chain, scrub. Check your facts next time.

Mike said...

I think you're trying a bit too hard to flame! Gotta be at least creative, ja?